So We had an awesome experience last night with an older couple with The Family A Proclamation to the World! It was our first lesson with them and we felt very strongly that The Family would be the best thing to share with them. We started talking about it and asked them what their favorite part of paragraph 7 was and the wife started to cry when she was talking about her husband. She was saying that she prays that he will be healed (not sure whats wrong quite yet) and that she would love more than anything to be with him forever. I was overtaken with the spirit I felt in their home. I am so grateful that we have the Proclamation to share with these people and for the testimony I have that families can be together forever. Everything else this week has been boring haha not much going on here in La Vicky! Hopefully I'll have more to tell you all next week!!! I love you all sooooo much!!!! Stay strong and always remember that God loves you and wants to hear from you!!!
Les Amo mucho!!!!